Monday, September 13, 2004

Of Baptismals and Birthdays

One of my favorite events in the bible, along with the Wedding in Cana and JC’s Passion (specifically, the part where Simon helped him), is the baptism of JC by John the Baptist in the river Jordan.

Through the centuries, artists around the world have pitched-in their own interpretation of the event through paintings, movies and novels. But for me, no one has really captured the beauty of the event.

The bible says, as John was baptizing JC: “as he was coming up from the water, John saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descended on JC like a dove”. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Heavens torn apart and the Spirit, like a dove, descended upon JC. Wow! The description was so simple yet so powerful and exquisite. Magnificent isn’t it? I don’t think all the colors in the world are enough to capture that particular moment.

Well, I didn’t expect that to literally happen when Francis was baptized. In fact, it was just a fairly typical “Baptismal Day” for any other month-old Roman Catholic Filipino child. A perfect Kodak moment, if you will, in the late afternoon at the St. Peter’s Church in Commonwealth, QC.

Godmothers and Godfathers carrying their wonderful gifts for the baby, family and friends gathering around the crib, making faces, trying hard to make the baby smile and putting on their best for the day. A share of guests who kept calling our cells “we’re here na, where are you guys?”, or “saan nga ba ung St. Peter?”. And siemps, the usual late-comers, eat and runners and the inevitable no-shows. Ready, 1-2-3, smile… Click! Click! Click!

But what made the occasion extraordinary was the fact that it was my son who was baptized. And for me, that typical occasion was one very special and important day. As a Christian, my son will now live his social and religious life in the light of JC. On my part, as the father, I hope I can provide him with enough guidance and wisdom to enjoy the pleasure and at the same time face the challenges of being a Christian.

As I was holding Francis during the ceremony, I didn’t saw the heavens parting or any Spirits descending from above, but am dead sure JC was around, as he always was, with a big smile on his face. Thanks, JC!

Next up… Of Baptismals and Birthdays Part 2


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