Sunday, August 29, 2004

17th of January 2003

I'd been up for 26 hours straight (the longest I can remember), standing outside a door with a "DELIVERY ROOM" written on it, waiting for someone who would change my life forever.

I hadn't seen Lynette, my wife, since the night before. But even then, she was already heavily sedated so we hadn't had a chance to talk. It was early the day before when we noticed that water was dripping from her legs. We immediately called Dr. Prudence Aquino, our O.B., and she told us to go to St. Luke's right away. When we got there, they immediately conducted some tests on her and then, they took her instantly to the delivery room.

26 hours or so later (billions of pregnant women literally passed by me going into and out the delivery room with babies on their arms), finally, a nurse came out of the room, carrying what looked liked a small pillow covered by a blue towel. She smiled and asked, Mr. Santos?

I can't even remember what my response was, if I ever did say anything. All I can remember was she handed me this little thingy covered by the blue towel.. and there he was.. a small, very fragile-looking guy.. Francis. In my arms. My first reaction? Of all the newborn babies I'd seen before, I knew that they're not suppose to open their eyes yet. At least not that early. But hey! This little guy in my arms was fully awake and was staring up at me! It was as if he was telling me.. "so, you're my father ah.. wazzzup dude?!"

As the nurse kept snapping up pictures, my world was changed forever. Words were not enough to express how I felt that very moment. If you're a father too, you'll understand perfectly.

Next up.. Francis, the name.


Blogger the 4 N's said...

Being a from lots of stories from magazines articles, heard on tv programs, even from my friends...they all say its the most pleasant and unforgettable experience they have had in their life...guess I would not know how that feels...I'm so happy that Francis came to your lives..and hopefully when Nico and I get back our lives as well Don Keko. I long to meet you little boy!

Kuya Alvin and Lynette CONGRATULATIONS! You have brought a wonderful little Keko in this world.

I didn't know you could write so good!!! I guess inspiration really makes people's brain command the hands to type incredible words...when these same words just cant get out of our mouths. THANKS TO BLOGGER!

When it would be our turn to become parents, I think Nico would be speechless as well...I think I will be too. Being a father would be his experience, and being a mother is mine. But I guess both share the same joy.

August 31, 2004 at 12:13 AM  

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