Tuesday, August 31, 2004

19 months with Don Keko Part 2

On his Pedia

"Maton!" That's what Don Keko's pedia calls him. Why? Because all, and I mean all of her patients, when given immunization shots, always cry their hearts out the moment they see the lethal syringe. From the infants to the seven-year-olds, nobody can stand that one-inched killer needle. Except of course, Francis. Oh yes, he gets startled big time, then will do all he can to free himself from us, kicking and swaying. But, he never cries. And once it's all over, he'll just go to his favorite corner, ride Dr. Ortega's playhorse by the door, as if nothing happened. Then, the pedia would recite the usual "he may be irritable later", "put some hot compress over the shot","blah blah blah", which since I've gone to ignore because none of these ever happened. In fact, as soon as we leave the hospital, Don Keko himself takes out the band aid because it "annoys" him. Maton indeed.

On baby talk

"Mimi", "Dada", "Yaya", "Broom-broom", "Fish"... his first words. They said that boys usually talk a little later than girls. Francis' cousin, a girl about a month older, can already speak quite clearly certain words. Don Keko, talkative as he is, cannot speak clearly yet. However, he mumbles pretty well. Sometimes he just talk and talk and talk for lenghts of time without us understanding a word he's saying.

On character

When Don Keko just turned one, he woke up from one of his morning naps and was carried out of the room by his grandma. Once outside, he suddenly wanted to be put down and when his grandma did, he held her hand leading her back towards the room. My mom-in-law thought Francis wanted to sleep again so she followed and opened the door for him. But once inside, my mom-in-law was amazed when Francis went towards the electric fan (which she noticed was still running), turned it off, smiled and clapped his cute little hands. With the cost of electricity sky rocketing, my mom-in-law was more than just happy to have Mr. Energy-Saver on the house...

Next up.. Of Baptismals and Birthdays


Blogger the 4 N's said...

Every child is special...they have their own ways, own moves, own personality. Francis is francis and we are all proud of him. I cant wait to meet him anymore.

September 3, 2004 at 3:07 AM  

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