Monday, August 30, 2004

19 months with Don Keko

I wish I had it all down. From the moment I held him in my arms until about 3 hours ago, I wish I had a 24/7 camera that recorded his every move, every smile, every single tantrum.. everything.

We kept a sort of a momento album for him. You know, the usual. Pictures, fingernails, first-cut hair, ultrasound templates, etc. But, as sentimental as I am, they're just not enough. And, 19 months is a whole lot of time.

First of all, I thank God for giving us a healthy child. He did get the usual fever and occassional colds but otherwise, his perfectly healthy not to mention, very, very active! Super, super kulit.

On sleeping

Jumping up and down the bed (for a minimum of about a hundred) before going to sleep is his normal routine. He usually sleeps between Lynette and myself but it wouldn't be a surprise if in the middle of the night we find him on our feet, sometimes on the edge of the bed, slumped head first with his butt sticking out! Yep, that's how he is in bed. On his back, sideways or upside down. He fell a couple of times and saved from falling a few times more. I guess we couldn't hold him down even while sleeping. On his milk, no problem. All we have to do is mix a formula and place it beside him. When he needs it, he'll find it wherever it is, even with his eyes closed.

On Sunday Mass

You can never hold Don Keko down at Mass for even a couple of minutes. He has this habit of pointing to each of the images then shouting "Eeesu!, eeesu!" (yep, Jesus.. Jesus) while making his version of the sign of the cross. The pews and the confessional are his favorite playground and, if you happen to see a 36 year old man sweating and running in and around the church (sometimes even in the middle of consecration), it's me running after Don Keko.

On Toy Story

Just like his father, Don Keko is a film nut. As early as now, he has his own favorite films: Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc. and of course, Toy Story 1 & 2. I've lost count on how many times we've seen Toy Story (he has preference to part 2). From start to end, his eyes are glued to the screen making gestures mimicking space ranger, Buzz Lightyear. Watching Toy Story is probably the only time we can hold him down (a good couple of hours if Lynette and I need to do something). More important, watching it WITH him is probably one of the most cherished moment of my fatherhood. Me and him and Toy Story to infinity and beyond..

Next up... 19 months with Don Keko Part 2


Blogger the 4 N's said...

A whole album is not enough to document ever single thing that happened in 19 months with Francis. You can take as much picture as you want but it is never enough. Its already a good thing you can write things down like this..and tell everybody how happy you are as a father. Nonetheless, everything is in your heart and will always be there. Cherish every moment with your loved ones and the happiness cannot be compared with anything else.

September 1, 2004 at 1:33 AM  

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