Monday, August 30, 2004

Francis, the name

Francis. Picking the name was the easy part.

Very early on, in my High School days in fact, I'd already planned to name my first-born, Francis (doesn't matter if the baby was a boy or a girl, it will be Francis and it was non-negotiable).

I got it from several of my favorite personalities:

St. Francis of Assisi - My personal patron saint. The BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON dude (the Franco Zeffirelli film which inspired most of my youth).

Francis Ford Coppola - Director of The Godfather films, The Conversation, etc.

Frank Sinatra - Who doesn't know this guy?

Frank Herbert - Author of Dune and other science fiction classics (The Jesus Incident, The World of FH, etc.)

Just a single name, Francis. While most couples name their sons with a two-name combination: John Paul, Paul John, Michael Andrew.. not us. Francis was enough. It's simple and yet there's a nice saintly and quite notorious sound to it. Profound if you asked me, quite deep.

After a year and a half though, the name kinda evolved. From Francis, it became Kiko. And then, because we spoil him a little bit, it became Don Kiko. His yaya eventually called him Keko then Don Keko (hence, the name of this blog). But recently, we call him Kokiks, and now it's simply KIKS.. and he's only 19 months old. I wonder what would we call him years from now.

Kids are like that. Full of wonder and surprises. As Gump said, life is like a box of chocolates.. well, you know how it goes.

Next up.. 19 months with Don Keko.


Blogger the 4 N's said...

Incredible how a name can mean a lot. To others its just another name like someone else's but for the dad and the mom who give their child a name..that name is not only a name. That name transforms into something touchable, something you can feel and can feel you, something you can talk to, something with a soul..something into someone.

August 31, 2004 at 12:16 AM  

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